Hillmann Consulting FTLD Pose

We all work hard every day and hope that what we are doing is adding value to our clients. We usually don’t get much feedback about whether our work is making an impact, although occasionally something happens that puts a smile on your face and makes it all worth it. That happened to me today.

Out of the blue, I received the this picture in my email. It was from my client Geralanne Maglione at Hillmann Consulting in Union, New Jersey. She knew I would love it.

For the last year I have been working with the employees at Hillmann to transform their culture into one where everyone is focused on profitability. After reading my book, Find the Lost Dollars™, a couple years ago, Chris Hillmann, CEO, signed up 10 of their key staff for our Find the Lost Dollars Pilot Program to test out our new online training platform. This training is focused on teaching employees business skills and creating a profitable culture in which project managers and other key employees are looking for many ways they can help increase company profits by 1% or more.

After completing our pilot program in March, they signed up their entire staff, and started a journey to teach their entire team how the firm makes a living, and gain their commitment to help the firm to find lost dollars and improve financial results.

They are more than halfway through their 20-week program putting 87+ employees of all levels through the Find the Lost Dollars Profitability program, and the results have been remarkable. Their staff is enthusiastically looking at how they can contribute to the bottom line, by making changes to estimating practices, monitoring scope creep, improving individual utilization, and focusing on ensuring their best clients are ecstatic.

But this morning, I could not have been more astounded or excited than when I received the picture above. One of their employees, Chris Glaser, dressed up as the character on the cover of my book, Find the Lost Dollars, and proudly displayed himself in the office as a late Halloween gift. This unexpected stunt had the staff at Hillmann surprised and amused!

For me this represented validation that our program is making an impact. Not necessarily the impact I expected, but a wonderful symbol that what we are doing really works. This picture represents several years of effort, and a dream and vision that I have to change the culture of our clients in a positive way.

Thanks to Chris Glaser and all of my friends at Hillmann Consulting for believing in us. We are so proud and humbled to work with you, and excited to help you make a measurable difference in your future.

Interested in learning how our program impacted Hillmann Consulting’s Success?

Here’s the case study: Hillmann Consulting Finds Lost Dollars with Innovative Business Management Training Program.



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